Treatment of dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis

Pathologies of the spine cause deterioration of well-being and health, the development of many diseases. Among them, dizziness is observed in cervical osteochondrosis. The disease is considered a common adverse event among people aged 25 to 50 years. This condition indicates problems with blood circulation to the brain and, as a result, a lack of oxygen.

Treatment of dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis involves immediate appeal to a specialist. Timely appeal for qualified medical care will eliminate a number of serious complications that pose a threat to human health and life.

Why dizziness develops in cervical osteochondrosis

The pathological condition of patients caused by cervical osteochondrosis is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the spine. Its upper part is regularly subjected to stress associated with the need to hold the skull and constant movement of the head. The cervical vertebrae are the smallest. At the time of their displacement or increased muscle tension, the vessels are compressed, and there are problems with blood transport to the brain area, which determine the prerequisites for the development of stenosis. The disease is diagnosed in cases of compression of the artery of the spine. Dizziness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine refers to the symptoms that accompany stenosis.

The problem with normal blood circulation in the cerebellum causes oxygen starvation in several parts of the nervous system, as well as disturbances in plasma flow with suspended cells of erythrocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes in the back of the brain. At the same time, the center responsible for the patient's vestibular apparatus is still damaged. The treatment of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis is performed by spinal neurologists, neurologists. They know what to do in such situations. The development of pathology of the intervertebral discs in the upper part of the spine is indicated by a specific sound when turning, tilting the head. By knowing how to get rid of dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis, you can always avoid the development of serious complications, threats to the health and life of the patient.

Symptoms of a pathological condition

In dystrophic disorders of the intervertebral discs in a person's neck, the head can turn at any time of the day, including morning, evening, night hours, as well as during work duties. The pathological condition is accompanied by various symptoms. They include:

  • the appearance of noise and ringing in the atria;
  • loss of balance when walking or standing;
  • severe headache;
  • the appearance of nausea, vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • pale or reddened appearance of facial skin;
  • deterioration of vision due to a change in the position of the eyeballs along the horizontal line;
  • tingling in the upper extremities, most often occurs at night;
  • increased pain when turning or sudden movements of the head;
  • accelerated pulse and discomfort in the heart area;
  • darkening of the eyes, the appearance of colored circles, white and black flies or bright flashes.

Dizziness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes sensations of leakage of soil under the feet, rotational bends of the room in front of the eyes, movement to the right of the surrounding objects. The pathological condition has a different duration. In cervical osteochondrosis, the head may spin for a minute or several hours. Concomitant symptoms, such as blurred vision and hearing loss, can be uncomfortable and uncomfortable for a long time.

When cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed, dizziness is of a vegetative nature due to the constant interaction of all systems of the human body. Its pronounced symptoms may indicate the need to urgently seek qualified help from a neurologist, vertebral neurologist.

Timely treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine makes it possible to prevent the development of many symptoms of dizziness, relieve pain, rule out recurrence and restore full blood supply to the brain.

Syndromes of pathological condition

To know how to deal with dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to determine the form of its development and the type of syndrome. Doctors distinguish:

  • vestibular trunk syndrome, characterized by impaired blood supply to the brain and accompanied by swaying when walking, nausea, vomiting with sudden movements of the head, pictures of moving floors, walls, furniture;
  • cochlear-stem syndrome, accompanied by impaired hearing, congestion, ringing, whistling in the ears, balance problems;
  • hypothalamic syndrome, the main symptoms of which include: heavy sweating, fatigue, arrhythmias, decrease or increase in the patient's thermal condition;
  • syncope syndrome caused by damage to the spinal nerve and spasm of blood vessels, characterized by the appearance of floating flies in front of the eyes, tinnitus.

The types of syndromes and their signs suggest how to treat dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis.


Passing a diagnosis, which is prescribed by the attending physician, is a necessary measure to confirm dystrophic disorders of the intervertebral discs in a person's neck and to determine the correct treatment effective for cervical osteochondrosis. Most often patients go through:

  • magnetic resonance imaging, the results of which reveal the degree of damage to the intervertebral discs of the neck;
  • Doppler ultrasound, designed to examine the condition of blood vessels;
  • X-ray, which makes it possible to see the pathological areas of each cervical vertebra.

How to treat dizziness that occurs from osteochondrosis of the neck

Neurologists, vertebral neurologists know how to relieve the symptoms of the pathological condition of the patient, the appearance of which is caused by dystrophic disorders of the intervertebral discs in the neck of the patient. After collecting the anamnesis, obtaining the results of diagnostic tests, therapeutic measures are prescribed. They include:

  • drug therapy, including the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and psychotropic drugs, chondroprotectors, analgesics, analgesics and vasodilators, complexes of vitamins, minerals, trace elements;
  • the use of prescriptions for traditional medicine;
  • physiotherapy, water, massage procedures, the action of which is aimed at stopping the degenerative processes in the cervical spine, relieving pain, normalizing the blood circulation of blood vessels;
  • physiotherapy exercises, including dizziness exercises for cervical osteochondrosis;
  • sanatorium and balneological treatment;
  • organization of a balanced diet, adherence to work, rest, nutrition.

Patients who may feel dizzy due to cervical pathology are advised to sleep on low orthopedic pillows. Using them helps to eliminate the symptoms of dizziness, relieve pain and tension in the problem area. It is also possible to provide complete rest to sick people and to exclude the occurrence of degenerative disorders of the vertebrae down behind the cervical vertebrae.


The appointment of exercise therapy raises the question of whether physical education can eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, as well as improve their lives. Neuropathologists, vertebral neurologists unequivocally give a positive answer. Dizziness exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can strengthen the muscles of the problem area of the spine and improve blood circulation. They cannot be performed during an acute attack. In other cases, regular exercise will help avoid dizziness. The set of exercises includes:

  • stretching the neck up and down;
  • slow turns of the head left and right;
  • tilting the head down and lifting.

All exercises should be performed no more than 10 times in one approach. At the end of the lesson, it is recommended that you write your phone number with the tip of your nose. Regular exercise is the key to improving the patient's condition, eliminating the risk of worsening cervical osteochondrosis and the development of its severe forms. They help all people to be healthy, to prevent the diagnosis of unwanted diseases, including dizziness due to the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis. Any disease is always easier to prevent than to cure.